
St Mary'sCatholic Primary School


Welcome toSt Mary'sCatholic Primary School

Child Care Guidance

Guidance on Child Care 


The Government advice states that schools and Local Authorities should work together to provide child care for children who require it.  


Every child who can be cared for at home should be. Parents should do everything they can to ensure that their children are not mixing socially in a way which can continue to spread the virus.


Examples of key workers include:

    •      NHS staff.

    •      Fire service, Social care, Police, care homes, etc.

    •      Supermarkets, Food warehouses or transport for food.

    •      Farm workers, vets, etc.

    •      Delivery staff, postal workers, pharmacy staff.

    •      Utility staff electric, gas, water.


NOTE – Even those above may be able to look after their children if their shift patterns allow or their partners work from home or is not a key worker.


If you require childcare during school closure, we will be asking for you to provide evidence from your employer that you are a key worker. We will also be asking for evidence of your shifts and asking about other options for childcare that you may have. This is to ensure we are following government guidance. 


You can contact school on: 07498661482  and at


Please understand, this is emergency support. If we want to maintain this and reduce the spread of Covid-19, we need your help.


