
St Mary'sCatholic Primary School


Welcome toSt Mary'sCatholic Primary School


It is recognised at St. Mary’s that RE is central to all that we do. Pupils are helped to develop an understanding of Catholic values and doctrines and they are encouraged to participate in the life of the parish. We follow the “Come and See” programme of religious education from Nursery to Year 6, as is advised by Hallam Diocese.

In addition, each term the children are taught to value and respect other religious beliefs through an in-depth study of one other world faith. Families are expected to be committed to and supportive of their child’s preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist, which will normally take place in Year 3.

We aim to teach children about loving human relationships developmentally alongside the science curriculum and with a framework of religious education.

As in all schools, parents have the right to withdraw their children from RE lessons.
As a school, we support a wide variety of charities throughout the year, including CAFOD and Mission Together. We hold special fundraising events and we encourage the children to take part in events such as choosing and supporting different charities throughout Lent and Advent. 
