St. Mary's Graduated Response
Wave 1 Whole class teaching
In the first instance, the school promotes quality first teaching in class. The teacher teaches the curriculum designed by the school and uses strategies written in school policies to support all children.
Wave 2 targeted teaching
A pupil may need provision which is ‘additional’ and ‘different’ to that normally available in class. Extra provision will be planned and recorded on a Graduated Response Provision Map which will be reviewed at Class SEND Meetings. Interventions may be offered which could include 1:1 or small group work.
Wave 3 more individualised teaching/support
When a pupil continues to make less than expected progress, despite evidence-based support and interventions that are matched to the pupil’s area of need, the school involves specialists, including those secured by the school itself or from outside agencies to work with the child, school and parents/carers.
Our Offer
We have developed a bespoke Graduated response document, which outlines our school offer. This document is used for both evidence gathering and as an identification tool in our graduated response process.
Please note this is a working document and subject to change as new interventions/resources etc. are identified.