
St Mary'sCatholic Primary School


Welcome toSt Mary'sCatholic Primary School

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Email your questions to Mrs Wass



Our class

In Year 2 we are preparing the children to become more independent and ready for their transition into Key Stage 2 next year.  We will be working hard on the core skills of reading, writing and mathematics so that the children are confident in their abilities and able to fully access the curriculum.   

In the Autumn term, children will continue to follow the Read Write Inc phonics programme where they will work in small groups at the appropriate level.  In the Spring term, the class will begin to follow the English Mastery programme,  developing their English skills through the study of key texts.

In order to best support your child at home please continue to listen to them read at least 3 times a week and record this in their reading record.  As they become more fluent readers it is important to ask them questions about the text to develop their comprehension skills. 

Times tables are another key skill that can be practised at home.  Children should be confident in their knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables by the end of the year.

Below are some links and resources which will help you to best support your child at home.

Year 2 timetable

Please note that PE days for this year are Wednesdays and Fridays.
