
St Mary'sCatholic Primary School


Welcome toSt Mary'sCatholic Primary School

Our Parish and wider community

Our Parish and wider community are important to us at St Mary's. We often share updates of exciting things that have been happening in school on the Parish newsletter so that everyone feels part of one community. We invite parishioners in to school for key events such as the carol concerts fundraising events, as well as masses in school. A class attends mass at church once a week too. Fr. Basil has been in to school several times to look at the children's work and find out about their learning. 


We also value our wider school community within the St Francis Multi-Academy Trust, and attend trust wide masses and events. Mgr. John Ryan often comes in and will say mass for us, talk to classes, read stories to the children and share some of his wisdom with us. 

We also really appreciate and value our fundraising team (friends of St Mary's). They give up their time and share their energy to create opportunities to raise money. At school we raise money for various charities (Royal British Legion, our Diocesan Good Shepherd Appeal, CAFOD, Gaza to name a few) and we also put things in place to support the local community such as raising funds to give children books at Christmas, giving ice-creams at sports day and collecting and giving out upcycled uniform. 


As members of the Catholic Faith we are encouraged to practice charity in different ways. Since the apostolic age, Christians were taught to not just give but to give from the heart to everyone in need regardless of their race or religion because “Christ is all and in all.”


At St. Mary's we work hard to encompass these teachings through our own acts of charity work, through physical challenges, giving our time and also prayer, we encourage children and families alike to always think of others and how they can help both their local and wider community.
